Running Re‑Education

Running Done Right  ➤

The most important part of running re-education is teaching your body how to think differently in terms of running. Habits which may be problematic and causing injury need to be slowly broken, and new, good habits need to be formed.

This doesn’t happen overnight. Your brain needs to process the new information and allow your body to adapt to it before it becomes a part of your automatic movements. The brain also has to review what muscles and range of movement it has available to make you move forward effectively. This is why strength training whilst learning to run is so important. If your body has strong muscles and a great range of motion available, it will use them and make that your new habit.

We understand that this running re-education takes time, but it is worth it. It will not only promote better foot, ankle and leg health, but it can assist with pain that you may be experiencing in your hips, lower back and more.

This is achievable if you know how all your movements work together. This will make running so much more comfortable and fun; call us today to get started!

What We Offer ➤

  • Proper Running Education
  • Improved Range of Movement
  • Accompanying Weight Training
  • Long-Term Pain Reduction
  • And More
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